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Why is exercise important?

In our time and age, where almost everything is made easier for us, we're almost unaware that we don't move at all anymore. We are all busy and we don't have enough time. To keep mental and physical activity in balance, you need to put your body to work on a regular basis.

That means that you have to be moderately active (brisk walking), 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can spread those 30 minutes over the day as you like. Do you have to realy exercise to stay healthy? Well, no, you don't have to. As long as you're active, you are improving your health. That doesn't have to be intensive: the most important is that you feel good when being active, because then you'll stay motivated to continue what you're doing. That can be walking or running or any other sports, but also daily things like climbing stairs and gardening.

Do you have health issues?

In case you have issues with your health, there still are sufficient safe and healthy ways to lead an active life. However, we advise you to see your doctor before you start to really increase your activity level with Pam. We would like to remind you, though, that often physical activity leads to a decrease in complaints.

Are you pregnant?
When pregnant, physical activity is generally a good idea. If you already had an active lifestyle before your pegnancy, then continue that: you'll stay in shape and feel better. However, listen to your body and don't push it! Don't try to increase your fitness or build more muscle! Note that Pam doesn't know that you're pregnant, so you'd better ignore Pam's advises.

Pam is there for YOU!

Most people are not active enough while they know it is good for them. Active people feel fit and have more energy.
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