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What do I see on this page?

The graph

The vertical bars in the graph show how active you have been. Above the graph you find a series of icons:

When this icon is selected, the graph shows the Pam Score.
Next you find the icons for the living zone, health zone and sport zone: the number of minutes you have been active at those three intensities.
The icon for calories. The Pam Score is independent on weight and height. The Pam Score is converted to the amount of calories via a formula.
Your weight.
If you select this icon, you can set your goals. Another click brings you back to the graph.

The time bar

Below the graph the time bar is situated. With the time bar you can navigate through time in different ways. On the left side you can select smaller or larger time steps: 'day' shows you time steps of 15 minutes, while 'month' has time steps of 1 week.

On the time bar you can indicate how many days/weeks/months (dependent on the time step) you would like to see in the graph at the same time, by clicking on the plus-sign in the blocks to time blocks or by clicking on the crosses to remove them. You can also grab the time bar with your mouse to move back and forth in time.

You can also travel in time by grabbing the grahp itself. The scroll wheel of your mouse will zoom in and out in time.

Setting your goal

After clicking on the goal flag, you can set your goal. In fact it is a goal line, starting at your present Pam Score value (or weight) and climbing up or going down to the goal value at a certain goal date. By moving the right square you can set the goal value and goal date. Click on the goal flag again to save the goal line.

The advice

Below the graph on the right, you'll find the average Pam Score of last week and below that the score that you should have reached according to your goal line. If you Pam Score is lower than your goal value, the block to the left has calculated how many minutes you should move more in the three zones to reach your goal. So, if, for example, there is a difference between your real Pam Score and the goal value of 2 points, that means that you should move 20 minutes extra per day in the living zone, or move 10 minutes in the health zone, or move 3 minutes in the sport zone. This gives you some feeling on what a difference in Pam points means in practice.

If you have filled out the favorite activities page, then below the three blocks with the minutes in the three zones you see a list with your favorite activities and the number of minutes you should be doing each activity to get your Pam Score on par.

Adjust your weight

When the graph shows your weight, you can change your actual weight by clicking on the block below the graph showing your present weight. You'll find the new value in the graph.