1) Click the download button. The following window will appear:
This window always appears when you want to download something from the Internet. Click 'Run'.
2) Pam did not publish a certificate, so the browser warns for that. Choose 'Run' again.
3) When the file is ready downloading, the installer starts. Choose 'Next'.
4) The installer wants to know where you want to install the Pam software. Default location is c:\Program Files\Pam Coach, but you can change that into another location.
Click 'Install'.
5) The next step needs some explanation. In fact, the installer from step 4 is ready in a blink of the eye. However, the Pam software makes use of a depper layer in the software taking are of the connection between the PC and the USB chip in the Pam device. This deeper layer has been made by the USB chip manufacturer (SiLabs). It needs a separate installer.
We could have made this invisible for you, but when the software is installed for the first time, the installer looks for previous versions of the software. If that is not the case, it can take quite a while for it to find that out. In order not to let the user guess what is going on, we show that the computer is searching. Click 'Install' in this step again. You will see a window with a moving search light for a short while.
6) When this step is finished, the following window will appear when the USB driver is installed for the first time:
Click OK.
When the USB driver was installed previously, you'll see:
The installer tells you that the driver is already up to date. You don't have to do anyting: just click OK.
7) In the mean time, the Pam software installer is done and waiting for the USB installer, showing the screen below:
Click 'Close'. The Pam software is now installed and ready for use.
8) If all has gone according to plan, you'll find the Pam logo on the taskbar:
9) Now, you can connect the Pam with the PC with the supplied cable. The first time a registration form will appear on-line.
10) Enjoy your Pam!